The house

A family home, with a character of authenticity, beauty and exception, located in the Center Val de Loire region, in the heart of Sologne.

His history

It is in a family home nestled in the heart of Sologne, in the Center Val de Loire region, that all the creativity offered by “Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune” finds its sources.

Apolline, creator and founder of the brand, impregnates with her intimate and delicate vision, the emanations of this vast territory of Sologne, with its natural and wild character, with its multiple and authentic faces. The great Sologne and its 3000 ponds, its fauna, its flora, its culture, its land, its artists and its history awaken and stimulate the imagination and creativity.

Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune intrinsically carries the sacred origins of this land of creation.

The bustling workshop of “Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune” has become over time a family business that cultivates character of authenticity, beauty and exception.

An artistic and poetic atmosphere reigns within the house. The views of the three present generations enrich the projects and their developments with their vision, combining history and tradition in the advance towards tomorrow.

Interview of the creator

Hello Apolline, you are the creator and founder of the brand Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune. Could you tell us about the universe of your brand?

The universe developed around the brand is based on essential values ​​for me: authenticity and sharing. These values ​​are for me inseparable and essential to the messages that I wish to transmit to the women who wear Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune creations.

How are your brand values nurtured?

Generally, when I observe materials, objects, I am always interested in what they are beyond their external appearance. I seek to understand them, I seek their meaning and see what they could offer us. My gaze does not stop on the attraction provoked by what they give to see. I go beyond this primary curiosity.

 The elements that I choose to make my jewelry have all made me travel in one way or another, through the world, nature, time or civilizations, generations, styles… They come from a particular itinerary, all borrowing meanings, meanings, symbols.

I come away amazed from each of these creative experiences. And I believe that authenticity is one of the fruits of pure wonder, that perceived with a naive gaze, a child’s gaze.

Does this mean that contemplation guides your creative process?

Yes, kind of. I contemplate, as if to lift the veil of appearances and find the original beauty. I am fascinated by the light which crosses a gem coming from the depths of the Earth, as much as by a pearl or a pendant which reveals its singularity to us.

For me, beauty and meaning are one.

Is the search for beauty the sinequanone condition of Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune’s creations?

Aesthetic research is of course a fundamental factor in the design of a piece of jewellery. It is designed to offer sensual gestures to the body, highlight it and sublimate the being.

 Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune signs jewels devoid of complexity and overabundance. Their simplicity rhymes with beauty. A subtle beauty that offers an access key to the invisible.

It’s all about the look. Beauty is an echo of the heart.

The creations of Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune are considered as pieces to be deciphered.

Can you tell us about the genesis of your collections?

Obviously I draw from my imagination, but I am also inspired by the atmospheres I immerse myself in, following a trip for example or a meeting. Distant destinations make me dream. Discovering the weaving of a people’s links, the treasures of a territory, takes the form of an adventure that enriches me and that I restore through my creations. Human, interpersonal relationships and the rites of passage associated with them, are dimensions that I take into account, because they are the fabric of the web of our world. I think that sharing an atmosphere, sharing beauty, sharing a jewel with a message, systematically reserves a surprise and can bring out a new feeling. All this thought contributes very concretely to the development of my creations.

What vision do you have of the universe of the Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune brand?

People who choose Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune jewelry demonstrate their major interest in the symbolic and emotional values ​​of the necklace, bracelet or earrings they wear. They are very sensitive to the imprint of identity, even existential, which emanates from them. In a way, they thus reconnect with their deep essence and affirm with confidence, a renewed valuation that corresponds to them. Delicacy and refinement remain the desires of Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune’s jewellery.


We would like to thank each of the actors who contributed to the creation of our site.
Their human qualities, their skills, their commitment to us made it possible to accomplish this work.

STUDIO, Eric Dogniez.



Artists, entrepreneurs, municipalities have shown their interest in our project.
We appreciated their availability, their kindness, their participation.
We thank them warmly.

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