The creator

Throughout history

During a beautiful walk along the water on the bed of the Loire, I discovered the most beautiful of treasures…a pretty sea urchin fossil, in the shape of a heart. I was 3 years old then. This moment was a real revelation for me.
This is how my gaze, after having rested throughout my childhood on “pebbles”, stopped on stones, then more particularly on gems.

When I was fifteen, I joined the Compagnons du Devoir to shape stone, hoping to discover some of its secrets, its riches hidden over centuries of history, which our heritage still bears witness to today.

Then very quickly, I turned to teaching plastic arts, jewelry arts and gems to access gemology.

The splendor of these abundant universes remains my main source of inspiration.

My creations are boxes of transcended emotions in a burst of the heart. They are the gift offered by my quest.

In my momentum, I give you these jewels.


From inspiration to creation

Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune was born from a spirit of sharing and fierce independence.

Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune offers you unique French creations, all resulting from traditional French know-how, born in the heart of a family home nestled in the center of France, in the Loire Valley.

At the base of the creative process, an inspiration…a trip, a walk, decorations, materials, textures, colors… Some elements hit the mark! And here they are projected on paper… Sketches, drawings, gouaches sublimate them.

The whole merges; a jewelry collection emerges as in a waking dream.

This sublimated beauty is available in unique pieces of costume jewelry, all designed and made by hand, in her workshop.

Interview of the creator

You seem to have a universe of your own, where does it come from?

I grew up in the countryside, between meadows and forest, in a small village full of stories and magic, in the heart of a stone house almost three centuries old. My world quickly became magical, then artistic.

I was in symbiosis with all of nature. The animals, the flowers, the trees started a great waltz with the magical creatures hidden in the waters of the river or in the burrow protected by the roots of the great oak! I walked around, left my father’s cabinetmaking workshop to visit the stonemason’s, where I went to see the porcelain restorer before taking refuge in the art painting restoration workshop of our neighbors ! All were close. I can say that I have always been immersed in a world where aesthetics, beauty, art and history made everyone’s eyes shine. My entourage, my family allowed me to apprehend the magic of the world by giving free rein to my daydreams and by favoring my spaces of freedom, creativity. Of course, I chose a path to direct towards the arts to express my creative sense to bring it to life professionally.

It’s a dreamy universe that you describe to us… could we allow ourselves to say that you have your head in the stars!?… Hence the name of your brand!?

(Laughter) I see you’re picking me up at my land!

At 15, full of ingenuity, I started looking for Moonstones, a gem I am totally in love with! I met professionals, jewelers, gemologists, who told me about this stone! One day, Pascale, used to my visits to her shop, greets me spontaneously: “Mademoiselle Pierre de Lune! your stones have arrived! She gave me that nickname, thank you! I engraved it on my first jewelry tools and my teachers called me that during all of my training! Over time, it naturally became my pseudonym. My work, my first jewels became the creations of Mademoiselle de Pierre de Lune! Of course my brand name was born! I thank all those professionals, professors, jewelers, gemologists, experts who accompanied me and who contributed to this journey!

What is your process to go from a simple idea to the creation of a jewel?

A multitude of perceptions and ideas have always crossed my mind. My creations are in constant motion; they give shape to my tingling ideas! I often take advantage of the moment, of fleeting beauties.

For each collection, I create a book in which I project my ideas and the results of my research. I work with methodology. This fairly long process allows me to exploit the development dynamics specific to jewelry.

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